Hummanaya Blow Hole


Hummanaya Blow Hole, also known as Kudawella Blow Hole, is a natural wonder located near the town of Dickwella on the southern coast of Sri Lanka. It is one of the largest blowholes in the world and a popular tourist attraction.

The Hummanaya Blow Hole is formed by a submerged underwater cave connected to the shore. When waves crash into the cave, water is forced upwards through a natural vent in the rock, creating a spectacular fountain of water that can reach heights of up to 25 meters (82 feet) during the peak of the monsoon season.

Visitors can witness this impressive display of nature from a safe viewing platform constructed above the blowhole. The sight and sound of the powerful water spout are awe-inspiring, offering a unique and exhilarating experience.

The area surrounding Hummanaya is also known for its scenic beauty, with rugged cliffs, rocky outcrops, and pristine beaches stretching along the coastline. Travelers can explore the nearby beaches, go snorkeling or diving in the clear waters, or simply relax and enjoy the coastal scenery.

Hummanaya Blow Hole is best visited during the monsoon season, from May to September, when the waves are at their strongest and the blowhole is most active. However, it is important to exercise caution and follow safety guidelines, as the area can be dangerous during rough weather conditions.

Overall, Hummanaya Blow Hole is a natural marvel that showcases the power and beauty of the ocean, offering visitors a memorable and thrilling experience amidst the stunning coastal landscapes of Sri Lanka.
