Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic


The Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic, commonly known as the Sri Dalada Maligawa, is a revered Buddhist temple located in the city of Kandy, Sri Lanka. It houses the sacred tooth relic of Lord Buddha, making it one of the most important pilgrimage sites for Buddhists worldwide.

The temple complex is situated within the royal palace complex of the former Kingdom of Kandy, which was the last independent kingdom on the island before falling to colonial rule. Constructed in the 17th century, the temple's architecture reflects traditional Kandyan design, characterized by intricate woodwork, carvings, and a multi-tiered roof.

The sacred tooth relic, believed to be the left canine tooth of Lord Buddha, is enshrined within a golden casket adorned with precious gems and jewels. Devotees from around the world visit the temple to pay their respects to the relic and seek blessings for prosperity, health, and well-being.

The temple complex also houses numerous shrines, prayer halls, and museums showcasing artifacts related to Buddhism and Sri Lankan history. The annual Esala Perahera, or the Festival of the Tooth, is a grand procession held in Kandy to honor the sacred relic. It features elaborately adorned elephants, traditional dancers, drummers, and fire performers, attracting thousands of spectators.

The Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic holds immense cultural and religious significance in Sri Lanka, symbolizing the country's Buddhist heritage and serving as a center for spiritual devotion and worship. It remains a focal point of pilgrimage and reverence for Buddhists and a must-visit attraction for tourists exploring the cultural treasures of the island.
